Dry Eyes 101: Risk Factors, Causes, and Management

Ever wonder what purpose your tears serve, other than to run down your face when you’re upset? Your tears actually play a vital role in your visual health, and any problems with them can cause dry eye syndrome. Read on as your trusted eye doctors from Southwest Vision...

5 Ways to Prevent UV-Related Eye Conditions

Summer is a great time to engage in various outdoor activities with your family. It’s important to understand, however, that this season’s stronger ultraviolet (UV) rays can harm your eyes. In today’s post, your reliable eye doctor from Southwest Vision Center shares...

4 Foods That Promote Visual Health

When it comes to taking care of your eyes, eating healthily is a great place to start. Your diet plays a major role in maintaining your visual health and preventing the development of vision problems. Most people know that carrots are good for your eyes—they contain...