Having sharp vision is important for your child’s social and learning development. This is why it is important to maintain their healthy eyesight. Nearsightedness or myopia, however, has been an increasing concern among children.

Myopia in Children

This eye condition is the most common refractive error, usually affecting school-aged kids. Southwest Vision Center understands that you want to prevent this condition from developing in your child. One reliable way to achieve this is through better understanding of the disease.

Our trusted pediatric optometrist in Three Rivers, MI, answers some common questions about nearsightedness in children.

What is Myopia?

This happens when the light focuses in front of the retina instead of directly on it. This results in blurred vision and difficulty seeing distant objects. Although this condition is more common among children, adults may also experience it.

What Causes this Eye Condition?

According to our reliable children’s eye doctor in Granger, MI, heredity is one of the most common causes of this condition. If you or your spouse is nearsighted, your child is likely to have the condition as well. Nonetheless, there is no single cause for this disease.

Eye structure irregularities, such as an elongated eyeball or over curved cornea, also contribute to the altered refraction ability of your child’s eyes. Environmental factors, such as poor reading habits, can also cause this visual impairment.

What are the Signs that My Child has Nearsightedness?

If you see your child squinting or sitting too close to the television, these may indicate that he or she is nearsighted. Take note if your child has difficulties seeing the things written on the board when he or she is at school. Frequent headaches and eyestrains may also manifest.

What are the Treatments?

Through a comprehensive eye exam in Edwardsburg, MI, we can determine if your child is nearsighted. We may perform a visual acuity test to measure how well he or she can see distant objects. We may also conduct a retinoscopy exam to measure the extent of refraction error.

To control its progression, we advise spending time outdoors instead of facing a computer or television all day long. We may also recommend using multifocal eyewear, which contain prescriptions for both near and distant viewing.

We may also prescribe atropine eye drops to regulate the focusing ability of your child’s eyes. The latest innovation in treatment of this condition is orthokeratology. This involves your child wearing gas-permeable contact lenses while he or she sleeps. Remove them upon awakening and your child can enjoy a day’s worth of clear vision without using corrective eyewear.

For more information on myopia, call us at (269) 414-4492 (Edwardsburg) or (269) 273-8588 (Three Rivers). We are ready to assist you.

Operating Hours


9:00am – 6:00pm Monday
8:00am – 5:00pm Tuesday – Thursday
8:00am – 1:00pm  Friday
Closed Saturday & Sunday

Three Rivers
9:00am – 6:00pm Monday
8:00am – 5:00pm Tuesday – Thursday
8:00am – 1:00pm Friday
Closed Saturday & Sunday

8:00am – 5:00pm Monday
9:00am – 6:00pm Tuesday
8:00am – 5:00pm Wednesday
8:00am – 5:00pm Thursday
8:00am – 1:00pm Friday
Closed Saturday & Sunday